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Integrating Eclipse

This tutorial describes how to access BaseX from Eclipse via the oXygen XML Editor plugin.

The plugin offers the same features as specified in Integrating oXygen. However, the way to get there from within Eclipse is a bit different.

Currently, there are two alternatives how to use BaseX in oXygen:

  • Resources in BaseX Databases can be opened and modified.
  • XPath/XQuery 1.0 expressions can be run by the query processor of BaseX.
  • Note: BaseX itself is a highly compliant XQuery 3.1 processor. The restriction to XQuery 1.0 arises from the XQJ Interface, which is used to establish the connection between oXygen and BaseX. We strongly encourage you to use the XML editor integrated into the BaseX GUI to edit and query your XML data!


  1. Download and install Eclipse. Note: The current version of the oXygen XML Editor plugin was tested for Eclipse Version 4.8. Please also note that you will require an oXygen license to use the plugin.
  2. Follow the instructions in the oXygen Manual to install the plugin.
  3. In Eclipse, click on the oXygen icon in the upper right corner to open the plugin. The XML Project you created during the installation of the plugin should be displayed in the Navigator panel. In this example, it is called BaseXProject:

Access Database Resources


  1. Download one of the BaseX distributions.
  2. Start BaseX (see Startup).
  3. Create a BaseX database, if necessary (see Databases).
  4. Start the BaseX WebDAV service.


Note: If you have already integrated BaseX into the oXygen XML Editor itself as described in Integrating oXygen, your BaseX WebDAV connection will already be available in the plugin.
  1. In Eclipse, go to menu EclipsePreferences. In the Preferences dialog, chose the oXygen XML Editor item, and then the Data Sources subitem.
  2. In the Connections panel (in the lower half of the screen), click the New button (+).
  3. Enter “BaseX WebDAV” as connection name.
  4. Select “WebDAV (S)FTP” in the Data Source dropdown box.
  5. Fill in the appropriate connection details as follows:
    • Set the WebDAV/FTP URL to http://localhost:8080/webdav.
    • Set the username to admin and enter your password:
  • Press OK to close the dialog.
  • If prompted, restart Eclipse to activate all changes.
  • You can then access your database file(s) via the Data Source Explorer: WindowsShow ViewData Source Explorer.

    Perform Queries

    One-Time Setup

    Note: If you have already integrated BaseX into the oXygen XML Editor itself as described in Integrating oXygen, your data sources and connections will already be available in the plugin.


    1. In Eclipse, go to menu EclipsePreferences. In the Preferences dialog, chose the oXygen XML Editor item, and then the Data Sources subitem.
    2. In the Data Sources panel, add a new data source using the New button (+).
    3. Enter “BaseX” as name and select XQuery API for Java(XQJ) from the Type dropdown box.
    4. Add the following JAR files (downloaded in Preparations procedure) with the Add Files Button. The versions of the JAR files may differ:
      • basex/lib/xqj-api-1.0.jar
      • basex/lib/xqj2-0.2.0.jar
      • basex/lib/basex-xqj-9.0.jar
      • basex/BaseX.jar, if you want to use BaseX embedded
    5. Under “Driver class”, choose the preferred driver class:
      • Client/server communication: net.xqj.basex.BaseXXQDataSource
      • Embedded use (standalone): net.xqj.basex.local.BaseXXQDataSource
    6. Click OK

    Configure Connection

    1. In the Connections section (in the lower half of the Data Source dialog), click New (+).
    2. Enter “BaseX XQJ” as name and select “BaseX” as data source.
    3. If you use the default driver, enter the following values in the Connection Details section:
      • port: 1984
      • serverName: localhost
      • user: admin
      • password: your password
    4. Click OK to complete the connection configuration.
    5. Click Apply and Close to close the Preferences dialog.
    6. If prompted, restart Eclipse to activate all changes.

    Configure New Transformation Scenario

    1. In Eclipse, select FileNewXQuery File. Enter a filename and click Finish. Enter a query and save the file.
    2. Select WindowShow ViewTransformation Scenarios.
    3. In the Transformation Scenarios panel on the right-hand side, click + and select XQuery transformation in the lower part of the dropdown list.
    4. Enter a name for your transformation, e.g., “BaseX”.
    5. Specify an optional XML and XQuery URL:
      • If you would like to query the BaseX database you connected to via WebDAV, leave the XML URL field empty. To access your database, you can use db:get in your XQuery URL file.
      • If you specify an XML document in the XML URL field, you can query its content using . (dot operator) in your XQuery URL file.
    6. Choose “BaseX XQJ” as Transformer from the combo box.
    7. Click OK to complete the scenario configuration.

    Execute Query

    After the one-time setup steps are complete, you can execute your query using the new transformation scenario. Start the transformation by clicking the red Run button (Apply associated scenarios) in the Transformation Scenarios window, while your scenario is selected. The results should be immediately displayed in the result panel.

    ⚡Generated with XQuery