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JSON Functions

This module contains functions to parse and serialize JSON data JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a popular data exchange format for applications written in JavaScript. As there are notable differences between JSON and XML, or XQuery data types, no mapping exists that guarantees a lossless, bidirectional conversion between JSON and XML. For this reason, we offer various mappings, all of which are suited to different use cases.


All functions and errors in this module are assigned to the namespace, which is statically bound to the json prefix.

Conversion Formats

A little advice: in the Database Creation dialog of the GUI, if you select JSON Parsing and switch to the Parsing tab, you can see the effects of some of the conversion options.


The direct conversion format allows a lossless conversion from JSON to XML and back. The transformation is based on the following rules:

  • The resulting document has a json root node.
  • Object pairs are represented via elements. The name of a pair is encoded, as described for the Conversion Functions, and used as element name.
  • Array entries are also represented via elements, with _ as element name.
  • Object and array values are stored in text nodes.
  • The types of values are represented via type attributes:
    • The existing types are string, number, boolean, null, object, and array.
    • As most values are strings, the string type is by default omitted.


The attributes format is lossless, too. The transformation based on the following rules:

  • The resulting document has a json root node.
  • Object pairs are represented via pair elements. The name of a pair is stored in a name attribute.
  • Array entries are represented via item elements.
  • Object and array values are stored in text nodes.
  • The types of values are represented via type attributes:
    • The existing types are string, number, boolean, null, object, and array.
    • As most values are strings, the string type is by default omitted.


The basic format is another lossless format. It converts a JSON document to an XML node and vice versa. The conversion rules are the same as for fn:json-to-xml and fn:xml-to-json.


The jsonml format is designed to convert XML to JSON and back, using the JsonML dialect. JsonML allows the transformation of arbitrary XML documents, but namespaces, comments and processing instructions will be discarded in the transformation process. More details are found in the official JsonML documentation.


The xquery format is lossless, too. It converts JSON data to an XQuery value (a map, array, string, number, boolean, or empty sequence) and vice versa. The conversion rules are the same as for fn:parse-json.

The resulting representation consumes less memory than XML-based formats, and values can be directly accessed without conversion. Thus, it is recommendable for very large inputs and for efficient ad-hoc processing.


The following options are available (the Direction column indicates if an option applies to parsing, serialization, or both operations):

Added: New number-parser, fallback, duplicates and null options (derived from fn:parse-json).

Option Description Allowed Default Direction
format Specifies the format for converting JSON data (see above). direct, attributes, basic, jsonml, xquery direct parse, serialize
liberal Determines if minor deviations from RFC 7159 will be ignored. yes, no no parse
number-parser Transforms the string value of a parsed JSON number to the required representation. An example:
With fn($n) { abs(xs:integer($n)) }, all numbers will be converted to positive integers.
function xs:double#1 parse
fallback Returns a custom value for a character that cannot be represented in XML. An example:
With fn($n) { 'INV' }, occurrences of \b or \uFFFF will be replaced with the string INV.
function fn { char(0xFFFD) } parse
duplicates Specifies how duplicate keys are handled. reject, use-first, use-last use-first parse
null Specifies how the JSON value null is represented. any value () parse
merge This option is considered when direct or attributes conversion is used:
  • If a name has the same type throughout the data, the type attribute will be omitted. Instead, the name will be listed in additional, type-specific attributes in the root node.
  • The attributes are named by their type in plural (numbers, booleans, nulls, objects and arrays), and the attribute value contains all names with that type, separated by whitespace.
yes, no no parse, serialize
strings Indicates if type attributes will be added for strings. yes, no yes parse, serialize
lax Specifies if lax conversion rules are used to convert QNames to JSON names. yes, no no parse, serialize
escape Indicates if escaped characters are expanded (for example, \n becomes a single x0A character, while \u20AC becomes the character ). yes, no yes parse
escape Indicates if characters are escaped whenever the JSON syntax requires it. This option can be set to no if strings are already in escaped form and no further escaping is permitted. yes, no yes serialize
indent Indicates if whitespace should be added to the output with the aim of improving human legibility. If the parameter is set as in the query prolog, it overrides the indent serialization parameter. yes, no no serialize



  $href     as xs:string,
  $options  as map(*)?    := {}
) as item()?
SummaryFetches the JSON document referred to by the given $href and converts it to an XQuery value. The $options argument can be used to control the way the input is converted.
optionsThe specified options are conflicting.
parseThe specified input cannot be parsed as JSON document.


  $value    as xs:string?,
  $options  as map(*)?     := {}
) as item()?
SummaryConverts the JSON $value to an XQuery value. If the input can be successfully parsed, it can be serialized back to the original JSON representation. The $options argument can be used to control the way the input is converted.
optionsThe specified options are conflicting.
parseThe specified input cannot be parsed as JSON document.


  $input    as item()?,
  $options  as map(*)?  := {}
) as xs:string
SummarySerializes the specified $input as JSON, using the specified $options, and returns the result as string:
  • The input is expected to conform to the results that are created by json:parse.
  • Non-conforming items will be serialized as specified in the 'json' output method of the official recommendation.

Values can also be serialized as JSON with the standard Serialization feature of XQuery:

  • The parameter method needs to be set to json, and
  • the options presented in this article need to be assigned to the json parameter.
serializeThe specified node cannot be serialized as JSON document.


BaseX Format

Example 1: Adds all JSON documents in a directory to a database.

let $database := "database"
for $name in file:list('.', false(), '*.json')
let $file := file:read-text($name)
let $json := json:parse($file)
return db:add($database, $json, $name)

Example 2: Converts a simple JSON string to XML and back.

<json type="object"/>
(: serialize result as plain text :)
declare option output:method 'text';
json:serialize(<json type="object"/>)
{ }

Example 3: Converts a JSON string with simple objects and arrays

  "title": "Talk On Travel Pool",
  "link": "",
  "description": "Travel and vacation photos from around the world.",
  "modified": "2014-02-02T11:10:27Z",
  "generator": ""
<json type="object">
  <title>Talk On Travel Pool</title>
  <description>Travel and vacation photos from around the world.</description>

Example 4: Converts a JSON string with different data types

let $options := { 'merge': true() }
return json:parse('{
  "first_name": "John",
  "last_name": "Smith",
  "age": 25,
  "address": {
    "street": "21 2nd Street",
    "city": "New York",
    "code": 10021
  "phone": [
      "type": "home",
      "number": "212 555-1234"
      "type": "mobile",
      "number": 1327724623
}', $options)
<json numbers="age code" arrays="phone" objects="json address value">
    <street>21 2nd Street</street>
    <city>New York</city>
      <number>212 555-1234</number>
      <number type="number">1327724623</number>

JsonML Format

Example 1: Converts all XML documents in a database to the JsonML format and writes them to disk.

for $doc in collection('json')
let $name := document-uri($doc)
let $json := json:serialize($doc, { 'format': 'jsonml' })
return file:write($name, $json)

Example 2: Converts an XML document with elements and text.

json:serialize(doc('flickr.xml'), { 'format': 'jsonml' })
Input flickr.xml
  <title>Talk On Travel Pool</title>
  <description>Travel and vacation photos from around the world.</description>
    "Talk On Travel Pool"],
    "Travel and vacation photos from around the world."],

Example 3: Converts a document with nested elements and attributes to JsonML:

json:serialize(doc('input.xml'), { 'format': 'jsonml' })
Input input.xml
<address id='1'>
  <!-- comments will be discarded -->
  <address xmlns='will be dropped as well'>
    <street>21 2nd Street</street>
    <city>New York</city>
  <phone type='home'>212 555-1234</phone>
["address", {"id":"1"},
      "21 2nd Street"],
      "New York"],
  ["phone", {"type":"home"},
    "212 555-1234"]]

XQuery Format

Example 1: Converts a JSON string to XQuery.

let $input := '{
  "Title": "Drinks",
  "Author": [ "Jim Daniels", "Jack Beam" ]
let $data := json:parse($input, { 'format': 'xquery' })
return map:for-each($data, fn($key, $value) {
  $key || ': ' || string-join($value, ', ')
Author: Jim Daniels, Jack Beam
Title: Drinks

Example 2: Converts XQuery data to JSON.

for $item in (
  array { 1 to 5 },
  { "Key": "Value" }
return json:serialize(
  { 'format': 'xquery', 'indent': 'no' }


optionsThe specified options are conflicting.
parseThe specified input cannot be parsed as JSON document.
serializeThe specified node cannot be serialized as JSON document.


Version 11.0
  • Added: New number-parser, fallback, duplicates and null options (derived from fn:parse-json).
Version 10.0
  • Updated: indent: Default changed from yes to no.
Version 9.4Version 9.1
  • Updated: json:parse can be called with empty sequence.
Version 9.0
  • Updated: map format renamed to xquery.
  • Updated: error codes updated; errors now use the module namespace
Version 8.4
  • Updated: unescape changed to escape.
Version 8.2
  • Added: Conversion format basic.
Version 8.0
  • Added: liberal option.
  • Updated: Serialization aligned with the json output method of the official specification.
  • Removed: spec option.
Version 7.8
  • Updated: json:parse now returns a document node instead of an element, or an XQuery map if format is set to .map.
  • Removed: json:parse-ml, json:serialize-ml.
Version 7.7.2
  • Updated: $options argument added to json:parse and json:serialize.
  • Updated: json:parse-ml, json:serialize-ml are now deprecated.
Version 7.0
  • Added: New module added.

⚡Generated with XQuery