Main Page » XQuery » Functions


This page provides links to the standard function set of XQuery, as well as hundreds of additional functions organized, which are packaged in various modules.

The namespaces of all modules are statically bound to the given prefix, which means they need not (but may) be declared in the query prolog.

Standard Functions

Name Prefix Description
Standard fn Functions in the default namespace.
Map map Functions for handling maps.
Array array Functions for handling arrays.
Math math Mathematical operations.

Core Functions

Removed: The Hashing Functions were completely removed in favor of the new fn:hash function.

Name Prefix Description
Admin admin Functions restricted to admin users.
Archive archive Creating and processing ZIP archives.
Binary bin Processing binary data.
Client client Executing commands and queries on remote BaseX servers.
Conversion convert Converting data (binary, numeric) to other formats.
Cryptography crypto Cryptographic functions.
CSV csv Functions for processing CSV input.
Database db Functions for accessing and updating databases.
Fetch fetch Functions for fetching resources identified by URIs.
File file Processing files.
Full-Text ft Functions for performing full-text operations.
Higher-Order hof Additional higher-order functions that are not in the standard libraries.
HTML html Functions for converting HTML input to XML documents.
HTTP Client http Sending HTTP requests.
Index index Functions for requesting details on database indexes.
Inspection inspect Functions for extracting internal module information.
Job job Organization of running commands and queries.
JSON json Parsing and serializing JSON documents.
Lazy lazy Functions for handling lazy items.
Process proc Executing system commands from XQuery.
Profiling prof Functions for profiling code snippets.
Random random Functions for creating random numbers.
Repository repo Installing, deleting and listing packages.
SQL sql JDBC bridge to access relational databases.
Store store Organize values in a main-memory key-value store.
String string Functions for performing string computations.
Unit unit Unit testing framework.
Update update Functions for performing updates.
User user Creating and administering database users.
Utility util Various utility and helper functions.
Validation validate Validating documents: DTDs, XML Schema, RelaxNG.
Web web Convenience functions for building web applications.
XQuery xquery Evaluating new XQuery expressions at runtime.
XSLT xslt Stylesheet transformations, based on Java’s and Saxon’s XSLT processor.

API Functions

The following modules are available if the basex-api library is included in the classpath. This is the case if you start BaseX with one of the startup scripts or links provided by our complete distributions (zip, exe, war).

Name Prefix Description
Request request Server-side functions for handling HTTP Request data.
RESTXQ rest Helper functions for the RESTXQ API.
Session session Functions for handling server-side HTTP Sessions.
Sessions sessions Functions for managing all server-side HTTP Sessions.
WebSocket ws Functions for handling WebSocket connections.


Version 11.0
  • Removed: Hashing Module, in favor of the new fn:hash function.
Version 10.0
  • Removed: ZIP Module; Geo Module; Output Module (incorporated in String Functions)

⚡Generated with XQuery