Higher-Order Functions
This module adds some useful higher-order functions, additional to the standard Higher-Order Functions provided by the official specification.
All functions in this module are assigned to the http://basex.org/modules/hof
namespace, which is statically bound to the hof
Signature | hof:fold-left1(
$input as item()+,
$action as fn(item()*, item()) as item()*
) as item()* |
Summary | Works the same as fn:fold-left , but does not need a seed, because the sequence must be non-empty. |
Examples | hof:fold-left1(1 to 10, op('+')) Result: 55
hof:fold-left1((), fn($a, $b) { $a + $b }) Raises XPTY0004 , because $seq has to be non-empty. |
Signature | hof:scan-left(
$input as item()*,
$zero as item()*,
$action as fn(item()*, item()) as item()*
) as item()* |
Summary | This function is similar to fn:fold-left , but it returns a list of successive reduced values from the left. It is equivalent to:
declare function hof:scan-left($input, $acc, $action) {
if (empty($input)) then $acc else (
hof:scan-left(tail($input), $action($acc, head($input)), $action)
Examples | hof:scan-left(1 to 5, 0, op('+')) Result: 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 . Computes triangular numbers. |
Signature | hof:top-k-by(
$input as item()*,
$key as fn(item()) as item(),
$k as xs:integer
) as item()* |
Summary | Returns the $k items in $input that are greatest when sorted by the result of $key applied to the item. The function is a much more efficient implementation of the following scheme:
let $results := (
for $item in $input
order by $key($item) descending
return $item
return subsequence($results, 1, $k)
Examples | hof:top-k-by(1 to 1000, identity#1, 5) Result: 1000, 999, 998, 997, 996
hof:top-k-by(1 to 1000, fn { -. }, 3) Result: 1, 2, 3
hof:top-k-by(<x a='1' b='2' c='3'/>/@*, xs:integer#1, 2)/local-name() Result: 'c', 'b' |
Signature | hof:top-k-with(
$input as item()*,
$comparator as fn(item(), item()) as xs:boolean,
$k as xs:integer
) as item()* |
Summary | Returns the $k items in $input that are greatest when sorted in the order of the less-than predicate $comparator . The function is a general version of hof:top-k-by . |
Examples | hof:top-k-with(1 to 1000, fn($a, $b) { $a lt $b }, 5) Result: 1000, 999, 998, 997, 996
hof:top-k-with(-5 to 5, fn($a, $b) { abs($a) gt abs($b) }, 5) Result: 0, 1, -1, 2, -2 |
Version 11.0Version 9.5Version 8.1Version 7.2Version 7.0- Added: The module was added with Version 7.0.
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