XQuery Update

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BaseX offers a complete implementation of the XQuery Update Facility (XQUF). This article aims to provide a very quick and basic introduction to the XQUF. First, some examples for update expressions are given. After that, a few problems are addressed that frequently arise due to the nature of the language. These are stated in the Concepts paragraph.

New Functionality

Updating Expressions

There are five new expressions to modify data. While insert, delete, rename and replace basically explain themselves, the transform expression is different. Modified nodes are copied in advance and the original databases remain untouched.

An expression consists of a target node (the node we want to alter) and additional information like insertion nodes, a QName, etc. which depends on the type of expression. Optional modifiers are available for some of them. You can find a few examples and additional information below.


insert node (attribute { 'a' } { 5 }, 'text', <e/>) into /n

Insert enables you to insert a sequence of nodes into a single target node. Several modifiers are available to specify the exact insert location: insert into as first/as last, insert before/after and insert into.

Note: in most cases, as last and after will be evaluated faster than as first and before!


delete node //node

The example query deletes all <node> elements in your database. Note that, in contrast to other updating expressions, the delete expression allows multiple nodes as a target.


replace node /n with <a/>

The target element is replaced by the DOM node <a/>. You can also replace the value of a node or its descendants by using the modifier value of.

replace value of node /n with 'newValue'

All descendants of /n are deleted and the given text is inserted as the only child. Note that the result of the insert sequence is either a single text node or an empty sequence. If the insert sequence is empty, all descendants of the target are deleted. Consequently, replacing the value of a node leaves the target with either a single text node or no descendants at all.


for $n in //node
return rename node $n as 'renamedNode' 

All node elements are renamed. An iterative approach helps to modify multiple nodes within a single statement. Nodes on the descendant- or attribute-axis of the target are not affected. This has to be done explicitly as well.

Non-Updating Expressions


copy $c := doc('example.xml')//node[@id = 1]
modify rename node $c as 'copyOfNode'
return $c

The node element with @id=1 is copied and subsequently assigned a new QName using the rename expression. Note that the transform expression is the only expression which returns an actual XDM instance as a result. You can therefor use it to modify results and especially DOM nodes. This is an issue beginners are often confronted with. More on this topic can be found in the XQUF Concepts section.

The following example gives another example. The <entry> element (here it is passed to the expression as a DOM node) can also be replaced by a database node (e.g. copy $c := (db:open('example')//entry)[1]). In this case, the original database node remains untouched as all updates are performed on a copy.

copy $c :=
    <title>Transform expression example</title>
    <author>BaseX Team</author>
modify (
  replace value of node $c/author with 'BaseX',
  replace value of node $c/title with concat('Copy: ', $c/title),
  insert node <author>Joey</author> into $c
return $c


  <text>Copy of: Transform expression example</text>



FN:put() is also part of the XQUF and enables the user to serialize XDM instances to secondary storage. It is executed at the end of a snapshot. Serialized documents therefore reflect all changes made effective during a query.

XQUF Concepts

There are a few specialties around XQuery Update that you should know about. In addition to the simple expression, the XQUF adds the updating expression as a new type of expression. An updating expression returns only a PUL as a result which is subsequently applied to addressed databases and DOM nodes. A simple expression cannot perform any permanent changes and returns an empty or non-empty sequence.

Pending Update List

The most important thing to keep in mind when using XQuery Update is the Pending Update List (PUL). Updating statements are not executed immediately, but are first collected as update primitives within a set-like structure, the PUL. At the end of a query, all update primitives on this list are applied in a strict order after some compatibility tests. If a conflict exists, an error message is returned and all accessed databases remain untouched (atomicity). For the user this means updates are only visible after the end of a snapshot.

If we have the document:

<doc> <a/> </doc>

... and perform the following query:

insert node <b/> into /doc,
for $n in /doc/child::node()
return rename node $n as 'justRenamed'

The document looks like this:

<doc> <justRenamed/><b/> </doc>

Despite explicitly renaming all child nodes of <doc/>, the former <a/> element is the only one to be renamed. The element is inserted within the same snapshot and is therefore not yet visible to the user.

Returning Results shows how to access updated nodes and return query results.

Returning Results

It is not possible to mix different types of expressions in a query result. The outermost expression of a query must either be a collection of updating or non-updating expressions. Generally there is no way to perform any updating queries and return a result at the same time, as you cannot access your own changes during a single query. Regarding database nodes, you can update your nodes within the first query and access modifications in subsequent queries.

But trying to modify and return a DOM node within the same snapshot is another story. As changes on DOM nodes are non-persistent, you cannot access them in a subsequent query. This is where the transform expression comes into play.

Function Declaration

To use updating expressions within a function, the 'updating' flag has to be added to the function declaration. A correct declaration of a function that contains updating expressions (or one that calls updating functions) looks like this:

declare updating function { ... }

Effects on your documents

In BaseX, all updates are performed on database nodes. Update operations thus never affect the original input file. You can, however, use the EXPORT command or the fn:put() function to create an updated XML file. If the database option WRITEBACK is turned on, changes in your database are propagated back to the original input file. Make sure you back up your data in advance, as this approach modifies the underlying XML file.


As BaseX aims mainly for efficiency, the maintenance of indexes is left to the user. This requires the user to call the OPTIMIZE command after all update operations have been executed: multiple update operations can be performed much faster this way, and the database meta data is only updated and regenerated once in the updating process.

DOM Nodes

So far BaseX differentiates between fragments and database nodes. Updates on fragments have no effect on any existing databases and are therefore not applied at all. This includes testing constraints as well. It is therefor possible to execute an update on a fragment, whereas the same update applied to a database node raises an error.

DOM node as target
insert node attribute id { '1' } into <a id='0'/>
Database node as target
Result file 'doc.xml':
<n id='1'/>
insert node attribute id { '0' } into doc('doc.xml')//n
[XUDY0021] Duplicate attribute "id".

If DOM nodes have to be processed you can pipe them through a transform expression.

DOM Nodes & fn:put()

As a consequence, updates on a fragment are not visible in an XML file created with fn:put(). If this functionality is required, the transform expression can be applied. The copied nodes in a transform expression are internally treated like database nodes and are updatable as a result.

Serializing a modified DOM node
  copy $node := <n/>
  modify insert node <x/> into $node
  return $node, 'doc.xml')
Result file 'doc.xml':

Error Messages

Along with the Update Facility, a number of new error codes and messages have been added to the specification and BaseX. All errors are listed in the XQuery Errors overview.