Profiling Module

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All functions in this module are assigned to the namespace, which is statically bound to the prof prefix.
All errors are assigned to the namespace, which is statically bound to the bxerr prefix.



Signatures prof:time($expr as item()) as item()*
prof:time($expr as item(), $cache as xs:boolean) as item()*
prof:time($expr as item(), $cache as xs:boolean, $label as xs:string) as item()*
Summary Measures the time needed to evaluate $expr and sends it to standard error or, if the GUI is used, to the Info View.
If $cache is set to true(), the result will be temporarily cached. This way, a potential iterative execution of the expression (which often yields different memory usage) is blocked.
A third, optional argument $label may be specified to tag the profiling result.
  • prof:time("1 to 100000") may output 25.69 ms.
  • prof:time("1 to 100000", true()) may output 208.12 ms.
Properties The function is non-deterministic.


Signatures prof:mem($expr as item()) as item()*
prof:mem($expr as item(), $cache as xs:boolean) as item()*
prof:mem($expr as item(), $cache as xs:boolean, $label as xs:string) as item()*
Summary Measures the memory allocated by evaluating $expr and sends it to standard error or, if the GUI is used, to the Info View.
If $cache is set to true(), the result will be temporarily cached. This way, a potential iterative execution of the expression (which often yields different memory usage) is blocked.
A third, optional argument $label may be specified to tag the profiling result.
  • prof:mb("1 to 100000") may output 0 Bytes.
  • prof:mb("1 to 100000", true()) may output 26.678 mb.
Properties The function is non-deterministic.


Signatures prof:sleep($ms as xs:integer) as empty-sequence()*
Summary Sleeps for the specified number of milliseconds.
Properties The function is non-deterministic.



Signatures prof:current-ms() as xs:integer
Summary Returns the number of milliseconds passed since 1970/01/01 UTC. The granularity of the value depends on the underlying operating system and may be larger. For example, many operating systems measure time in units of tens of milliseconds.
Properties In contrast to fn:current-time(), the function is non-deterministic, as it returns different values every time it is called.



Signatures prof:current-ns() as xs:integer
Summary Returns the current value of the most precise available system timer in nanoseconds.
Properties In contrast to fn:current-time(), the function is non-deterministic, as it returns different values every time it is called.


Version 7.4

This module was introduced with Version 7.3.