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330 bytes removed ,  14:14, 25 August 2012
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The following scripts, which are mentioned on referenced in the [[Startup]] and [[Startup Options]] pagesarticles, are also included in our official '''the Windows''' and '''ZIP''' [ release files], and available in our [ GitHub repository]:
* The installers automatically We recommend you to manually add the project’s BaseX {{Code|bin}} directory to your path <code>PATH</code> environmentvariable.* Otherwise, you can manually add The Windows installer automatically adds the project’s {{Code|bin}} directory to your <code>PATH</code> path environment variable.<br/><br/>
=BaseX Main Package=
<pre class="brush:bash">
@echo off
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM Path to this script
set PWD=%~dp0
REM Paths to distributed JAR archives or class filesCore and library classesset BASEXCP=basex%PWD%/../BaseX.jarset LIB=%PWD%/../libfor /R "%LIB%" %%a in (*.jar) do set CP=!CP!;%%a
REM Options for virtual machine
set VM=-Xmx512m
REM Classpathset LIB=%PWD%/../libset CP=%BASEX%;%LIB%/lucene-analyzers-3.0.2.jar;%LIB%/tagsoup-1.2.jar;%LIB%/snowball.jar REM Run BaseXcode
java -cp "%CP%" %VM% org.basex.BaseX %*
vm_args=( )
while (( $# )) ; do
if [[ $1 = "-X" ]] ; then vm_args+=( "$2" ) shift 2 else general_args+=( "$1" ) shift fi
<pre class="brush:bash">
@echo off
setlocalsetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM Path to this script
set PWD=%~dp0
REM Paths to distributed JAR archives or class filesCore and library classesset BASEXCP=%PWD%/basex.jar set BASEXAPI=%PWD%./basex-apiBaseX.jar REM Classpath
set LIB=%PWD%/../lib
set CP=%BASEX%;%BASEXAPI%;%LIB%for /commons-beanutils-1.8.2.jar;R "%LIB%/commons-codec-1.4.jar;" %LIB%/commons-fileupload-1.2.2.jar;%LIB%/commons-io-1.4.jar;%LIB%/commons-logging-1.1.1a in (*.jar) do set CP=!CP!;%LIB%afor /jdom-1.1.jar;R "%LIB%/jetty-6.1.26.jar;" %LIB%/jetty-util-6.1.26.jar;%LIB%/log4j-1.2.14a in (*.jar) do set CP=!CP!;%LIB%/lucene-analyzers-3.0.2.jar;%LIB%/milton-api-1.6.4.jar;%LIB%/mime-util-2.1.3.jar;%LIB%/resolver.jar;%LIB%/servlet-api-2.5-20081211.jar;%LIB%/slf4j-api-1.5.8.jar;%LIB%/slf4j-log4j12-1.5.6.jar;%LIB%/snowball.jar;%LIB%/tagsoup-1.2.jar;%LIB%/xmldb-api-1.0.jar;%LIB%/xqj-api-1.0.jara
REM Options for virtual machine
REM Run code
java -cp "%CP%;." %VM% org.basex.api.BaseXHTTP %*
BX="$( cd -P "$(dirname "$FILE")/.." && pwd )"
BXCORE="$( cd -P "$BX/../basex" && pwd )"
# API, core, and library classes
CP="$BX/BaseX.jar$(printf ":%s" "$BX/BaseX.jar" "$BX/lib/"*.jar "$BXCORE/target/classes" "$BXCORE/lib/"*.jar)"
# Options for virtual machine
# Run code
java -cp "$CP" $VM "${vm_args[@]}" org.basex.BaseXHTTP "${general_args[@]}"</pre>
;Version 7.4
* Updated: Static dependencies removed from Windows batch scripts.
;Version 7.2
* Updated: The {{Code|BaseXHTTP}} start class moved from {{Code|org.basex.api}} to {{Code|org.basex}}.
;Version 7.0
* Updated: The {{Code|basexjaxrx}} scripts have been replaced with the {{Code|basexhttp}} scripts.
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