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840 bytes added ,  22:19, 28 July 2011
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The following options are available and listed on this page can be requested and changed with the [[Commands#GET|GET]] command and changed with the [[Commands#SET|SET]] commandscommand.They Three data types exist: strings, numbers, and booleans, which can either be turned ON/and OFF, or a value can be assigned. If options are internally changed in by the [[GUI_Tutorial|GUI]] of BaseX, they will be listed in the [[GUI_Views|Info View]].
A [[Options_(Snapshot)|preview page]] contains all options offered by the [ latest stable snapshot].
==General Main Options==  The main options are only available in the [[Standalone Tutorial|standalone]] and [[Server Tutorial|server]] instance of BaseX; they cannot be changed by database clients:
* <code>DEBUG</code>: Show internal debug info, usually used for development of new features (default: <code>false</code>). *<code>LANG [language]</code>: Set the interface language. Currently, seven languages are available 'English', 'German', 'French', 'Dutch', 'Italian', 'Japanese', and 'Vietnamese' (default: <code>English</code>). BaseX needs to be restarted in order to activate this optionthe new language.
*<code>LANGKEY</code>: Prefix all texts with the internal language keys. This option is helpful for creating new translations. BaseX needs to be restarted in order to activate this option.
* <code>MAINMEMDBPATH [path]</code>: Use main-memory mode. Now all data is stored exclusively in main memory and enables even faster evaluation times, but the data is lost after shut down of BaseX Set a new database path (default: <code>false[[Configuration#Database Directory|{home}/BaseXData]]</code>). Note: if the database path is changed, existing databases have to be manually moved to the new location.
==Server Options== * <code>TIMEOUT REPOPATH [timepath]</code>: Set server timeout in seconds. The timeout describes the maximum execution time of a query at BaseX server. The timeout is deactivated if this <code>timepath</code> is set points to <code>0</code> the XQuery package repository (default: no timeout (<code>0[[Configuration#Database Directory|{home}/BaseXRepo]]</code>)).
* <code>PARALLEL [number]</code>
: Set the maximum <code>number</code> of parallel readers (default: <code>8</code>).
* <code>DEBUG</code>
: Show internal debug info, usually used for development of new features (default: <code>false</code>).
===Client/Server Architecture===
* <code>HOST [host]</code>
: Used by the client to connect the server (default: <code>localhost</code>).
* <code>PORT [port]</code>
: Used by the client to connect the server (default: <code>1984</code>).
* <code>SERVERPORT [port]</code>
: Client/server communication: <code>port</code>, used for starting Port of the database server (default: <code>1984</code>). *<code>HOST [host]</code>: Client/server communication: <code>host</code>, used for connecting new clients (default: <code>localhost</code>).
*<code>PORT EVENTPORT [port]</code>: Client/Port of the client, listening for server communication: <code>events. This port</code>, is only used for connecting new clients if a client attaches itself to a database event (default: <code>19841985</code>).
* <code>JAXRXPORT [port]</code>
: Client/server communication: <code>port</code>, used for starting Port of the JAX-RX web server , usually Jetty (default: <code>8984</code>).
*<code>JAXRXPATH [path]</code>: Client/server communication: This local <code>path</code>, used for over points to the JAX-RX interface accessible files web directory (default: <code>[[Configuration#Database Directory|{home directory}/BaseXWeb]]</code>). * <code>TIMEOUT [time]</code>: Server timeout in seconds. The timeout describes the maximum execution time of a client query. The timeout is deactivated if <code>time</code> is set to <code>0</code> (default: no timeout (<code>0</code>)).
==Database Options==
*<code>DBPATH [path]CHOP</code>: Set Chop all leading and trailing whitespaces from text nodes while building a new database path , and discard empty text nodes. This option often reduces the database size by up to 50% (default: <code>[[Configuration#Database Directory|{home directory}/BaseXData]]true</code>). Note: if the database path is changed, all existing databases have to be manually moved to the new location.
*<code>CHOPINTPARSE</code>: Chop all leading and trailing whitespaces from text nodes while building a databaseUse internal XML parser instead of the standard Java XML parser. The internal parser is faster, more fault tolerant and discards empty text nodes. This option may reduce the size supports common HTML entities out-of -the database up to 50% -box, but it does not support all features needed for parsing DTDs. (default: <code>false</code>). * <code>DTD</code>: Parse referenced DTDs and resolve XML entities (default: <code>truefalse</code>).
*<code>INTPARSECATFILE [path]</code>: Use internal Specify a catalog file to locally resolve DTDs; see the Wikipedia entry on [ XML parser instead of standard Java XML parser. This internal parser is faster and Catalogs] for more fault tolerant, but does not support all features needed for parsing DTDs details (default: <code>false</code>''empty'').
*<code>ENTITYCREATEFILTER [filter]</code>: Internal parser parses XML entities Globbing syntax for filtering input documents (default: <code>false*.xml</code>). * <code>ADDARCHIVES</code>: Parse files within archives (ZIP, DOCX, GZIP, etc.) while creating a database or adding new documents (default: <code>true</code>).
*<code>DTDSKIPCORRUPT</code>: Internal parser parses Skip corrupt (i.e., non-well-formed) files while creating a DTD and checks the database or adding new documents. If this option is used, database creation is slowed down, as all files will be parsed twice. Next, main memory consumption will be higher as parsed files will be cached in main memory (default: <code>false</code>). * <code>PARSER [type]</code>: Define import [[Parsers|parser]]. As <code>TYPE</code> are available 'XML', 'CSV' or 'TEXT'. If [ data against /tagsoup/ Tagsoup] is found in the DTD classpath, 'HTML' is also available (default: <code>falseXML</code>). * <code>PARSEROPT [options]</code>: Define parser-specific options (default: ''empty''). See [[Parsers|parsers]] page for more information.
*<code>CATFILE [path]</code>: Set <code>PATH</code> to XML catalog file (default: empty). *<code>PATHINDEX</code>
: Create index for paths and speedup path based queries (default: <code>true</code>).
: Create index for text nodes and speedup queries querying the entire text of a node (default: <code>true</code>).
: Create index for attribute values and speedup queries querying attribute values (default: <code>true</code>).
: Create index for fulltext and speedup queries querying full text (default: <code>false</code>).
*<code>ADDARCHIVESWRITEBACK</code>: Parse Write original files back after updates. As this will alter your input file archives (ZIP, DOCX, GZIP, etc.) when adding documents to make sure you have a database (default: <code>true</code>). *<code>CREATEFILTER [filter]</code>: Globbing syntax for filtering input documents (default: <code>*.xml</code>). *<code>FORCECREATE</code>: Force database creation for unknown documents specified in XQuery expressions backup before you use this option (default: <code>false</code>).
*<code>PARSER [type]MAINMEM</code>: Define import [[Parsers|parser]]Use main-memory mode. As <code>TYPE</code> are available 'XML', 'CSV' or 'TEXT'. If [ Tagsoup] Now all data is found exclusively stored in main memory. Some queries will be evaluated even faster, but the classpath, 'HTML' data is lost if BaseX is also available shut down (default: <code>XMLfalse</code>).
*<code>PARSEROPT [options]FORCECREATE</code>: Define parser-specific options (default: empty). See [[Parsers|parsers]] page Force database creation for more information. *<code>WRITEBACK</code>: Write original files back after updates. As this will alter your input file make sure you have a backup before you use this option unknown documents specified in XQuery expressions (default: <code>false</code>).
==Full-Text Options==
: Create wildcard optimized full text index that is especially tuned for querying full text using wildcards expressions (default: <code>false</code>).
: Stemm full text tokens before indexing and decrease index size. Should only be assigned for full text queries using stemming, otherwise the full text index could not be assigned for query speedups (default: <code>false</code>).
: Case sensitive full text indexing, i.e. full text tokens are stored case sensitive and enables the assignment of the full text index for case sensitive queries (default: <code>false</code>).
: Diacritic sensitive full text indexing, i.e. full text tokens are stored with diacritics and enables the assignment of the full text index for diacritic queries (default: <code>false</code>).
*<code>LANGUAGE [lang]</code>: Language for full-text search index, e.g. <code>LANG</code> can be set to <code>English</code> or <code>German</code> (default: ''empty'').
*<code>SCORING [mode]</code>
: Precalculation of full text scores and storage within the full text index structure. Enables TF/IDF based scores in full text queries and increases memory consumption while indexing. <code>MODE</code> can be set to <code>1</code> for document based scoring, <code>2</code> for text node based scoring and <code>0</code> for non scoring (default: <code>0</code>).
*<code>STOPWORDS [path]</code>: Specify stop word list at <code>PATH</code>, that could be used e.g. to decrease the full text index size. The standard stopword list (english) is provided at <code>'etc/xml/stopWords'</code> (default: ''empty'').
*<code>LSERROR [error]</code>
: Levenshtein default error used for fuzzy search with BaseX specialized own FTMatchOption, e.g. error could be <code>2</code> (default: <code>0</code>).
==Query Options==
: Show (all) process info (default: <code>false</code>).
: Enable/disable [ XQuery 3.0] functions (default: <code>true</code>).
: Flag for serialization of query results. I.e. there are any results printed if serialization is turned off (default: <code>true</code>).
*<code>BINDINGS [vars]</code>: Contains external variables to be bound to the query. Keys and values are separated by equality signs, multiple variables are separated by commas (default: ''empty''). : Example: <code>var1=Hello,var2=World</code>
*<code>SERIALIZER [params]</code>: Parameters for serializing queries; see [[Serialization]] for more details. Keys and values are separated by equality signs, multiple parameters are separated by commas (default: ''empty''). : Example: <code>method=xml,encoding=CP1252</code>
*<code>EXPORTER [params]</code>: Parameters for exporting the documents; see [[Serialization]] for more details. Keys and values are separated by equality signs, multiple parameters are separated by commas (default: ''empty'').
*<code>RUNS [num]</code>
: Specify number of runs a query is executed. Results are printed a single time and evaluation times are averages of all runs (default: <code>1</code>).
==Serialization Options==
: Create query plans visualized with [ dotty], see <code>''</code> file in your project folder (default: <code>false</code>).
: Compact dot representation (default: <code>false</code>).
: Display dot representation after query execution (default: <code>true</code>).
*<code>DOTTY [path]</code>
: Program <code>PATH</code> of dotty executable (default: <code>dotty</code>).
: Print query plan as xml document (default: <code>false</code>).
: Create query plan before or after compilation - query plan might change due to optimizations (default: <code>true</code>).
: Cache the query results (default: <code>false</code>).
*<code>MAXSTAT [num]</code>
: Set maximum number of index occurrences to print through the command <code>info index</code> (default: <code>15</code>).
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