User Module

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This XQuery Module contains functions for creating and administering database users. The User Management article gives more information on database users and permissions.


All functions in this module and errors are assigned to the namespace, which is statically bound to the user prefix.



Signatures user:list() as xs:string*
Summary Returns the names of all registered users.
  • user:list() returns all registered users.


Signatures user:list-details() as element(user)*
user:list-details($name as xs:string) as element(user)*
Summary Returns an element sequence, containing all registered users and their permissions.
In addition to the SHOW USERS command, encoded password strings and database permissions will be output. A user $name can be specified to filter the results in advance.
  • By default, user:list-details() returns the following output:
<user name="admin" permission="admin">
  <password algorithm="digest">
  <password algorithm="salted-sha256">


Signatures user:exists($name as xs:string) as xs:boolean
Summary Checks if a user with the specified $name exists.
  • user:exists('admin') will always yield true.
Errors name: The specified user name is invalid.


Signatures user:create($name as xs:string, $password as xs:string) as empty-sequence()
user:create($name as xs:string, $password as xs:string, $permission as xs:string) as empty-sequence()
Summary Creates a new user with the specified $name and $password. The default permission none can be overwritten with the $permission argument. Existing users will be overwritten.
  • user:create('John', '7e$j#!1', 'admin') creates a new user 'John' with admin permissions.
Errors name: The specified user name is invalid.
permission: The specified permission is invalid.
admin: The "admin" user cannot be modified.
logged-in: The specified user is currently logged in.
update: The operation can only be performed once per user or database pattern.


Signatures user:grant($name as xs:string, $permission as xs:string) as empty-sequence()
user:grant($name as xs:string, $permission as xs:string, $pattern as xs:string) as empty-sequence()
Summary Grants the specified $permission to a user with the specified $name. If a glob $pattern is specified, the permission will only be applied to databases matching that pattern.
  • user:grant('John', 'create') grants create permissions to the user 'John'.
  • user:grant('John', 'write', 'unit*') allows John to write to all databases starting with the letters 'unit'.
Errors name: The specified user name is invalid.
pattern: The specified database pattern is invalid.
permission: The specified permission is invalid.
admin: The "admin" user cannot be modified.
local: A local permission can only be 'none', 'read' or 'write'.
logged-in: The specified user is currently logged in.
update: The operation can only be performed once per user or database pattern.


Signatures user:drop($name as xs:string) as empty-sequence()
user:drop($name as xs:string, $pattern as xs:string) as empty-sequence()
Summary Drops a user with the specified $name. If a glob $pattern is specified, only the database pattern will be dropped.
  • user:drop('John') drops the user 'John'.
  • user:grant('John', 'unit*') removes the 'unit*' database pattern. If John accesses any of these database, his global permission will be checked again.
Errors name: The specified user name is invalid.
pattern: The specified database pattern is invalid.
admin: The "admin" user cannot be modified.
logged-in: The specified user is currently logged in.
update: The operation can only be performed once per user or database pattern.
conflict: A user cannot be both altered and dropped.


Signatures user:alter($name as xs:string, $newname as xs:string) as empty-sequence()
Summary Renames a user with the specified $name to $newname.
  • user:rename('John', 'Jack') renames the user 'John' to 'Jack'.
Errors name: The specified user name is invalid.
admin: The "admin" user cannot be modified.
logged-in: The specified user is currently logged in.
update: The operation can only be performed once per user or database pattern.
conflict: A user cannot be both altered and dropped.


Signatures user:password($name as xs:string, $password as xs:string) as empty-sequence()
Summary Changes the password of a user with the specified $name.
  • user:password('John', ) assigns user 'John' an empty password string.
Errors name: The specified user name is invalid.
update: The operation can only be performed once per user or database pattern.


Code Description
name The specified user name is invalid.
pattern The specified database name is invalid.
permission The specified permission is invalid.
unknown The specified user does not exist.
admin The "admin" user cannot be modified.
equal Name of old and new user is equal.
local A local permission can only be 'none', 'read' or 'write'.
logged-in The specified user is currently logged in.
update The operation can only be performed once per user or database pattern.
conflict A user cannot be both altered and dropped.


The Module was introduced with Version 8.0.