User Module

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This XQuery Module contains functions for creating and administering database users. The User Management article gives more information on database users and permissions.


All functions in this module are assigned to the namespace, which is statically bound to the user prefix.
All errors are assigned to the namespace, which is statically bound to the bxerr prefix.



Signatures user:list() as xs:string*
Summary Returns the names of all registered users.
  • admin:list() returns all registered users.


Signatures user:list-details() as element(user)*
Summary Returns an element sequence, containing all registered users, their permissions, and their encoded password strings.
The SHOW USERS command yields similar output.
  • admin:list-details() returns information on all registered users. By default, it returns the following output:
<user name="admin" permission="admin">
  <password algorithm="digest">
  <password algorithm="salted-sha256">


Code Description
BXUS0001 The specified user name is invalid.
BXUS0002 The specified database name is invalid.
BXUS0003 The specified permission is invalid.
BXUS0004 The specified user does not exist.
BXUS0005 The "admin" user cannot be modified.
BXUS0006 Name of old and new user is equal.
BXUS0007 A local permission can only be 'none', 'read' or 'write'.
BXUS0008 A specified user is currently logged in.
BXUS0009 A user, or its associated permission, can only be created, modified or dropped once.
BXUS0010 A user cannot be both altered and dropped.


The Module was introduced with Version 8.0.