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This article is part of the Advanced User's Guide. It lists statistics on various XML instances that have been created with BaseX. The URLs to the original sources, if available or public, are listed below.

The database size does not include any indexes

  • #nodes represents the number of XML nodes which have been created in the database
  • #atr, #eln, and #uri represent the number of distinct attributes, element names, and namespaces


Instances file size #files db size #db nodes #atr #eln #atn #uri height
RuWikiHist 421 GiB 1 416 GiB 324,848,508 3 21 6 2 6
ZhWikiHist 126 GiB 1 120 GiB 179,199,662 3 21 6 2 6
EnWiktionary 79 GiB 1 75 GiB 134,380,393 3 21 6 2 6
XMark 55 GiB 1 64 GiB 1,615,071,348 2 74 9 0 13
EnWikiMeta 54 GiB 1 52 GiB 401,456,348 3 21 6 2 6
MedLine 38 GiB 379 36 GiB 1,623,764,254 2 84 6 0 9
iProClass 36 GiB 1 37 GiB 1,631,218,984 3 245 4 2 9
Inex209 31 GiB 2,666,500 34 GiB 1,336,110,639 15 28,034 451 1 37
CoPhIR 29 GiB 10,000,000 31 GiB 1,104,623,376 10 42 42 0 8
EnWikipedia 26 GiB 1 25 GiB 198,546,747 3 24 21 2 6
XMark 22 GiB 1 26 GiB 645,997,965 2 74 9 0 13
InterPro 14 GiB 1 19 GiB 860,304,235 5 7 15 0 4
Genome1 13 GiB 1 13 GiB 432,628,105 12 26 101 2 6
NewYorkTimes 12 GiB 1,855,659 13 GiB 280,407,005 5 41 33 0 6
TrEMBL 11 GiB 1 14 GiB 589,650,535 8 47 30 2 7
XMark 11 GiB 1 13 GiB 323,083,409 2 74 9 0 13
IntAct 7973 MiB 25,624 6717 MiB 297,478,392 7 64 22 2 14
Freebase 7366 MiB 1 10 GiB 443,627,994 8 61 283 1 93
SDMX 6356 MiB 1 8028 MiB 395,871,872 2 22 6 3 7
OpenStreetMap 5312 MiB 1 5171 MiB 6,910,669 3 19 5 2 6
SwissProt 4604 MiB 1 5422 MiB 241,274,406 8 70 39 2 7
EURLex 4815 MiB 1 5532 MiB 167,328,039 23 186 46 1 12
Wikicorpus 4492 MiB 659,338 4432 MiB 157,948,561 12 1,257 2,687 2 50
EnWikiRDF 3679 MiB 1 3537 MiB 98,433,194 1 11 2 11 4
CoPhIR 2695 MiB 1,000,000 2882 MiB 101,638,857 10 42 42 0 8
MeSH 2091 MiB 1 2410 MiB 104,845,819 3 6 5 2 5
FreeDB 1723 MiB 1 2462 MiB 102,901,519 2 7 3 0 4
XMark 1134 MiB 1 1303 MiB 32,298,989 2 74 9 0 13
DeepFS 810 MiB 1 850 MiB 44,821,506 4 3 6 0 24
LibraryUKN 760 MiB 1 918 MiB 46,401,941 3 23 3 0 5
Twitter 736 MiB 1,177,495 767 MiB 15,309,015 0 8 0 0 3
Organizations 733 MiB 1,019,132 724 MiB 33,112,392 3 38 9 0 7
DBLP 694 MiB 1 944 MiB 36,878,181 4 35 6 0 7
Feeds 692 MiB 444,014 604 MiB 5,933,713 0 8 0 0 3
MedLineSupp 477 MiB 1 407 MiB 21,602,141 5 55 7 0 9
AirBase 449 MiB 38 273 MiB 14,512,851 1 111 5 0 11
MedLineDesc 260 MiB 1 195 MiB 10,401,847 5 66 8 0 9
ZDNET 130 MiB 95,663 133 MiB 3,060,186 21 40 90 0 13
JMNEdict 124 MiB 1 171 MiB 8,592,666 0 10 0 0 5
XMark 111 MiB 1 130 MiB 3,221,926 2 74 9 0 13
Freshmeat 105 MiB 1 86 MiB 3,832,028 1 58 1 0 6
DeepFS 83 MiB 1 93 MiB 4,842,638 4 3 6 0 21
Treebank 82 MiB 1 92 MiB 3,829,513 1 250 1 0 37
DBLP2 80 MiB 170,843 102 MiB 4,044,649 4 35 6 0 6
DDI 76 MiB 3 39 MiB 2,070,157 7 104 16 21 11
Alfred 75 MiB 1 68 MiB 3,784,285 0 60 0 0 6
University 56 MiB 6 66 MiB 3,468,606 1 28 4 0 5
MediaUKN 38 MiB 1 45 MiB 1,619,443 3 21 3 0 5
HCIBIB2 32 MiB 26,390 33 MiB 617,023 1 39 1 0 4
Nasa 24 MiB 1 25 MiB 845,805 2 61 8 1 9
MovieDB 16 MiB 1 19 MiB 868,980 6 7 8 0 4
KanjiDic2 13 MiB 1 18 MiB 917,833 3 27 10 0 6
XMark 11 MiB 1 13 MiB 324,274 2 74 9 0 13
Shakespeare 7711 KiB 1 9854 KiB 327,170 0 59 0 0 9
TreeOfLife 5425 KiB 1 7106 KiB 363,560 7 4 7 0 243
Thesaurus 4288 KiB 1 4088 KiB 201,798 7 33 9 0 7
MusicXML 3155 KiB 17 2942 KiB 171,400 8 179 56 0 8
BibDBPub 2292 KiB 3,465 2359 KiB 80,178 1 54 1 0 4
Factbook 1743 KiB 1 1560 KiB 77,315 16 23 32 0 6
XMark 1134 KiB 1 1334 KiB 33,056 2 74 9 0 13


Instances Source
AirBase http://air-climate.eionet.europa.eu/databases/airbase/airbasexml
Alfred http://alfred.med.yale.edu/alfred/alfredWithDescription.zip
BibDBPub http://inex.is.informatik.uni-duisburg.de/2005/
CoPhIR http://cophir.isti.cnr.it/
DBLP http://dblp.uni-trier.de/xml
DBLP2 http://inex.is.informatik.uni-duisburg.de/2005/
DDI http://tools.ddialliance.org/
EnWikiMeta http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/enwiki-latest-pages-meta-current.xml.bz2
EnWikipedia http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2
EnWikiRDF http://www.xml-benchmark.org/ generated with xmlgen
EnWiktionary http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiktionary/latest/enwiktionary-latest-pages-meta-history.xml.7z
EURLex http://www.epsiplatform.eu/
Factbook http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/xmldatasets/www/repository.html
Freebase http://download.freebase.com/wex
FreeDB http://www.xmldatabases.org/radio/xmlDatabases/projects/FreeDBtoXML
Freshmeat http://freshmeat.net/articles/freshmeat-xml-rpc-api-available
Genome1 ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/snp/organisms/human_9606/XML/ds_ch1.xml.gz
HCIBIB2 http://inex.is.informatik.uni-duisburg.de/2005/
Inex2009 http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/departments/d5/software/inex
IntAct ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/intact/current/index.html
InterPro ftp://ftp.bio.net/biomirror/interpro/match_complete.xml.gz
iProClass ftp://ftp.pir.georgetown.edu/pir_databases/iproclass/iproclass.xml.gz
JMNEdict ftp://ftp.monash.edu.au/pub/nihongo/enamdict_doc.html
KanjiDic2 http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/kanjidic2
MedLine http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd
MeSH http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/xmlmesh.html
MovieDB http://eagereyes.org/InfoVisContest2007Data.html
MusicXML http://www.recordare.com/xml/samples.html
Nasa http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/xmldatasets/www/repository.html
NewYorkTimes http://www.nytimes.com/ref/membercenter/nytarchive.html
OpenStreetMap http://dump.wiki.openstreetmap.org/osmwiki-latest-files.tar.gz
Organizations http://www.data.gov/raw/1358
RuWikiHist http://dumps.wikimedia.org/ruwiki/latest/ruwiki-latest-pages-meta-history.xml.7z
SDMX http://www.metadatatechnology.com/
Shakespeare http://www.cafeconleche.org/examples/shakespeare
SwissProt ftp://ftp.uniprot.org/pub/databases/uniprot/current_release/knowledgebase
Thesaurus http://www.drze.de/BELIT/thesaurus
Treebank http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/xmldatasets
TreeOfLife http://tolweb.org/data/tolskeletaldump.xml
TrEMBL ftp://ftp.uniprot.org/pub/databases/uniprot/current_release/knowledgebase
Wikicorpus http://www-connex.lip6.fr/~denoyer/wikipediaXML
XMark http://www.xml-benchmark.org/ generated with xmlgen
ZDNET http://inex.is.informatik.uni-duisburg.de/2005/
ZhWikiHist http://dumps.wikimedia.org/zhwiki/latest/zhwiki-latest-pages-meta-history.xml.7z
LibraryUKN generated from university library data
MediaUKN generated from university library data
DeepFS generated from filesystem structure
University generated from students test data
Feeds compiled from news feeds
Twitter compiled from Twitter feeds