Start Scripts

From BaseX Documentation
Revision as of 15:09, 11 January 2011 by AW (talk | contribs)
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The starting script files are available for every mode of BaseX and can be started on every operating system.
Note: Probably you have to modify the pathes in the script.

The BaseX Server an be started with the following scripts:


@echo off

REM Path to this script
set PWD=%~dp0

REM Paths to distributed files or source directories
set BXPATH=basex.jar

REM Options for virtual machine
set VM=-Xmx1g

REM Run BaseX
java -cp "%BXPATH%" %VM% org.basex.XXX %*




# Path to this script
PWD=`dirname $0`

# Paths to distributed files or source directories

# Options for virtual machine

# Run BaseX
java -cp "$BXPATH" $VM org.basex.XXX "$@"