Server Protocol: Types

From BaseX Documentation
Revision as of 06:32, 11 December 2011 by CG (talk | contribs)
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Version 7.1: The following table lists all data types that are returned by the Server Protocol. Currently, all node types are of type xs:untypedAtomic:

ID Data Type Item Type
7 function item function
8 node() node
9 text() node
10 processing-instruction() node
11 element() node
12 document-node() node
13 document-node(element()) node
14 attribute() node
15 comment() node
32 item() atomic value
33 xs:untyped atomic value
34 xs:anyType atomic value
35 xs:anySimpleType atomic value
36 xs:anyAtomicType atomic value
37 xs:untypedAtomic atomic value
38 xs:string atomic value
39 xs:normalizedString atomic value
40 xs:token atomic value
41 xs:language atomic value
42 xs:NMTOKEN atomic value
43 xs:Name atomic value
44 xs:NCName atomic value
45 xs:ID atomic value
46 xs:IDREF atomic value
47 xs:ENTITY atomic value
48 xs:float atomic value
49 xs:double atomic value
50 xs:decimal atomic value
51 xs:precisionDecimal atomic value
52 xs:integer atomic value
53 xs:nonPositiveInteger atomic value
54 xs:negativeInteger atomic value
55 xs:long atomic value
56 xs:int atomic value
57 xs:short atomic value
58 xs:byte atomic value
59 xs:nonNegativeInteger atomic value
60 xs:unsignedLong atomic value
61 xs:unsignedInt atomic value
62 xs:unsignedShort atomic value
63 xs:unsignedByte atomic value
64 xs:positiveInteger atomic value
65 xs:duration atomic value
66 xs:yearMonthDuration atomic value
67 xs:dayTimeDuration atomic value
68 xs:dateTime atomic value
69 xs:dateTimeStamp atomic value
70 xs:date atomic value
71 xs:time atomic value
72 xs:gYearMonth atomic value
73 xs:gYear atomic value
74 xs:gMonthDay atomic value
75 xs:gDay atomic value
76 xs:gMonth atomic value
77 xs:boolean atomic value
78 basex:binary atomic value
79 xs:base64Binary atomic value
80 xs:hexBinary atomic value
81 basex:raw atomic value
82 xs:anyURI atomic value
83 xs:QName atomic value
84 xs:NOTATION atomic value