
From BaseX Documentation
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Welcome to the Query Portal, which is one of the main sections of this documentation. Here your find more information on performing XPath and XQuery requests. Apart from standard features, BaseX offers numerous extensions, which are listed on this page.


XQuery Functions

Module Description Prefix Namespace URI
Database Accessing the database and indexes. db http://basex.org/db
Full-Text Performing full-text operations. ft http://basex.org/ft
Utility Testing and profiling functions. util http://basex.org/util
File File handling, inspired by the EXPath File module. file http://basex.org/file
HTTP Sending HTTP requests, based on the EXPath HTTP module. http http://expath.org/ns/http-client
Math Mathematical operations, extending the W3C Working Draft. math http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/math

Note that all namespace URIs are statically bound in BaseX, i.e., they need not be declared in the query prolog. A complete list of the approved and planned XQuery 3.0 functions is found in the current W3C Working Draft.


Queries will be analyzed and optimized for index access on the fly.