
From BaseX Documentation
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This page is linked from the Getting Started Section.

The options listed on this page influence the way how database commands are executed and XQuery expressions are evaluated. Options are divided into global options, which are valid for all BaseX instances, and local options, which are specific to a client or session. Values of options are either strings, numbers or booleans.

The .basex configuration file is parsed by every new local BaseX instance. It contains all global options and, optionally, local options at the end of the file.

Various ways exist to access and change options:

  • The current value of an option can be requested with the GET and changed with the SET command. All values are static: they stay valid until they are changed once again by another operation. If an option is of type boolean, and if no value is specified, its existing value will be inverted.
  • Initial values for options can also be specified via system properties, which can e.g. be passed on with the -D flag on command line, or using System.setProperty() before creating a BaseX instance. The specified keys needs to be prefixed with org.basex.. An example:
java -Dorg.basex.CHOP=false -cp basex.jar org.basex.BaseX -c"get chop"
CHOP: false
  • Options can also be set in the prolog of an XQuery expression. In the option declaration, options need to be bound to the Database Module namespace. All values will be reset after the evaluation of a query:
declare option db:chop 'false';
  • Options can also be applied locally by using pragmas:
(# db:chop false #) { parse-xml('<xml> hi </xml>') }

If options are implicitly changed by operations in the GUI, the underlying commands will be listed in the Info View.

Global Options

Global options are constants. They can only be set in the configuration file or via system properties (see above). One exception (since Version 7.8) is the DEBUG option, which can also be changed at runtime by users with admin permissions.



Signature DEBUG [boolean]
Default false
Summary Sends internal debug info to STDERR. This option can be turned on to get additional information for development and debugging purposes. It can also be triggered on command line via -d.


Signature DBPATH [path]
Default {home}/BaseXData or {home}/data
Summary Points to the directory in which all databases are located.


Signature REPOPATH [path]
Default {home}/BaseXRepo
Summary Points to the Repository, in which all XQuery modules are located.


Signature LANG [language]
Default English
Summary Specifies the interface language. Currently, seven languages are available: 'English', 'German', 'French', 'Dutch', 'Italian', 'Japanese', and 'Vietnamese'.


Signature LANGKEY [boolean]
Default false
Summary Prefixes all texts with the internal language keys. This option is helpful if BaseX is translated into another language, and if you want to see where particular texts are displayed.


Signature GLOBALLOCK [boolean]
Default false
Summary Controls if local (database) or global (process) locking will be used for managing read and write operations. The article on Transaction Management provides more details on concurrency control.

Client/Server Architecture


Signature HOST [host]
Default localhost
Summary This host name is used by the client when connecting to a server. This option can also be changed when running the client on command line via -n.


Signature PORT [port]
Default 1984
Summary This port is used by the client when connecting to a server. This option can also be changed when running the client on command line via -p.


Signature SERVERPORT [port]
Default 1984
Summary This is the port the database server will be listening to. This option can also be changed when running the server on command line via -p.


Signature EVENTPORT [port]
Default 1985
Summary This port is used by the client to listen for server events. It will only be bound if a client attaches itself to a database event. This option can also be changed when running the server on command line via -e.


Signature USER [name]
Default empty
Summary Represents a user name, which is used for accessing the server or an HTTP service:
  • The default value will be overwritten if a client specifies its own credentials.
  • If the default value is empty, login will only be possible if the client specifies credentials.
  • The option can also be changed on command line via -U.


Signature PASSWORD [password]
Default empty
Summary Represents a password, which is used for accessing the server or an HTTP service:
  • The default value will be overwritten if a client specifies its own credentials.
  • If the default value is empty, login will only be possible if the client specifies credentials.
  • The option can also be changed on command line via -P.
  • Please note that it is a security risk to specify your password in plain text.


Signature SERVERHOST [host|ip]
Default empty
Summary This is the host name or ip address the server is bound to. If the option is set to an empty string (which is the default), the server will be open to all clients.


Signature PROXYHOST [host]
Default empty
Summary This is the host name of a proxy server.


Signature PROXYPORT [port]
Default 80
Summary This is the port number of a proxy server.


Signature NONPROXYHOSTS [hosts]
Default empty
Summary This is a list of hosts that should be directly accessed.


Signature TIMEOUT [seconds]
Default 30
Summary Specifies the maximum time a read-only transaction may take. If an operation takes longer than the specified timeout, it will be aborted. Write operations will not be affected by this timeout, as this would corrupt the integrity of the database. The timeout is deactivated if the timeout is set to 0. It is ignored for ADMIN operations.


Signature KEEPALIVE [seconds]
Default 600
Summary Specifies the maximum time a client will be remembered by the server. If there has been no interaction with a client for a longer time than specified by this timeout, it will be disconnected. Running operations will not be affected by this option. The keepalive check is deactivated if the value is set to 0.


Signature PARALLEL [number]
Default 8
Summary Denotes the maximum allowed number of parallel transactions.
Note that a higher number of parallel operations may increase disk activity and thus slow down queries. In some cases, a single transaction may even give you better results than any parallel activity.


Signature LOG [boolean]
Default true
Summary Turns Logging of server operations and HTTP requests on/off. This option can also be changed when running the server on command line via -z.


Signature LOGMSGMAXLEN [length]
Default 1000
Summary Specifies the maximum length of a single log message.

HTTP Options

If BaseX is run as Web Application, the HTTP options are either determined by the web server, or specified in the webapp/WEB-INF directory and the jetty.xml and web.xml configuration files.


Signature WEBPATH [path]
Default {home}/BaseXWeb or {home}/webapp
Summary Points to the directory in which all the Web Application contents are stored, including XQuery, Script, RESTXQ and configuration files.


Signature RESTXQPATH [path]
Default empty
Summary Points to the directory which contains the RESTXQ modules of a web application. Relative paths will be resolved against the WEBPATH directory.


Signature HTTPLOCAL [boolean]
Default false
Summary By default, a database server instance will be opened along with the web server. If the flag is set to true, all commands will be executed in an embedded database context.
If BaseX is run as Web Application, and if the flag is false, the server will be started as soon as the first HTTP service is called.


Signature STOPPORT [port]
Default 8985
Summary This is the port on which the HTTP Server can be locally closed:
  • The listener for stopping the web server will only be started if the specified value is greater than 0.
  • The option is ignored if BaseX is used as a Web Application or started via Maven.
  • This option can also be changed when running the HTTP server on command line via -s.

Create Options



Signature MAINMEM [boolean]
Default false
Summary If this option is turned on, new databases will be exclusively created in main memory. Most queries will be evaluated faster in main memory mode, but all data is lost if BaseX is shut down. The value of this option will be assigned once to a new database, and cannot be changed after that.


Signature ADDCACHE [boolean]
Default false
Summary If this option is activated, documents that are added via ADD will first be cached to disk before being added to the final database. This option is helpful when larger documents are to be imported, and if the existing heuristics cannot estimate the size of the input (e.g. when adding directories).



Signature CREATEFILTER [filter]
Default *.xml
Summary File filter in the Glob Syntax, which is applied whenever new databases are created, or resources are added to a database.


Signature ADDARCHIVES [boolean]
Default true
Summary If this option is set to true, files within archives (ZIP, GZIP, DOCX, etc.) are parsed whenever new database are created or resources are added to a database.


Signature SKIPCORRUPT [boolean]
Default false
Summary Skips corrupt (i.e., not well-formed) files while creating a database or adding new documents. If this option is activated, document updates are slowed down, as all files will be parsed twice. Next, main memory consumption will be higher as parsed files will be cached in main memory.


Signature ADDRAW [boolean]
Default false
Summary If this option is activated, and if new resources are added to a database, all files that are not filtered by the CREATEFILTER option will be added as raw files (i.e., in their binary representation).


Signature PARSER [type]
Default XML
Summary Defines a parser for importing new files to the database. Currently, 'XML', 'JSON', 'CSV', 'TEXT', 'HTML' are available as parsers. HTML will be parsed as normal XML files if Tagsoup is not found in the classpath.


Introduced with Template:Mark

Signature CSVPARSER [options]
Default empty
Summary Specifies the way how CSV data is to be parsed. The available options are listed in the CSV Module.


Introduced with Template:Mark

Signature JSONPARSER [options]
Default empty
Summary Specifies the way how JSON data is to be parsed. The available options are listed in the JSON Module.


Introduced with Template:Mark

Signature TEXTPARSER [options]
Default empty
Summary Specifies the way how TEXT data is to be parsed. Available options are listed in the article on Parsers.

XML Parsing


Signature CHOP [boolean]
Default true
Summary Chops all leading and trailing whitespaces from text nodes while building a database, and discards empty text nodes. By default, this option is set to true, as it often reduces the database size by up to 50%. It can also be turned off on command line via -w.


Template:Mark: default is now false.

Signature INTPARSE [boolean]
Default false
Summary Uses the internal XML parser instead of the standard Java XML parser. The internal parser is faster, more fault tolerant and supports common HTML entities out-of-the-box, but it does not support all features needed for parsing DTDs.


Signature DTD [boolean]
Default false
Summary Parses referenced DTDs and resolves XML entities. By default, this option is switched to false, as many DTDs are located externally, which may completely block the process of creating new databases. The CATFILE option can be changed to locally resolve DTDs.


Signature CATFILE [path]
Default empty
Summary Specifies a catalog file to locally resolve DTDs; see the entry on Catalog Resolvers for more details.


The current index and full-text index options will be stored in a new database, and take effect if indexes are rebuilt via the OPTIMIZE.


Signature TEXTINDEX [boolean]
Default true
Summary Creates a text index whenever a new database is created. A text index speeds up queries with equality comparisons on text nodes; see Indexes for more details.


Signature ATTRINDEX [boolean]
Default true
Summary Creates an attribute index whenever a new database is created. An attribute index speeds up queries with equality comparisons on attribute values; see Indexes for more details.


Signature FTINDEX [boolean]
Default false
Summary Creates a full-text index whenever a new database is created. A full-text index speeds up queries with full-text expressions; see Indexes for more details.


Signature MAXLEN [int]
Default 96
Summary Specifies the maximum length of strings that are to be indexed by the name, path, value, and full-text index structures. The value of this option will be assigned once to a new database, and cannot be changed after that.


Signature MAXCATS [int]
Default 100
Summary Specifies the maximum number of distinct values (categories) that will be stored together with the element/attribute names or unique paths in the Name Index or Path Index. The value of this option will be assigned once to a new database, and cannot be changed after that.


Signature UPDINDEX [boolean]
Default false
Summary If turned on, incremental indexing will be activated:
  • with each update, the text and attribute value indexes will be updated as well.
  • The value of this option will be assigned once to a new database, and cannot be changed after that.
  • The advantage of incremental indexes is that the value index structures will always be up-to-date.
  • The downside is that updates will take longer. The article on Index Structures includes additional details.


Signature INDEXSPLITSIZE [num]
Default 0
Summary This option affects the construction of new text and attribute indexes. It specifies the number of index build operations that are performed before writing partial index data to disk. By default, if the value is set to 0, some dynamic split heuristics are applied.


Default 0
Summary This option affects the construction of new full-text indexes. It specifies the number of index build operations that are performed before writing partial index data to disk. By default, if the value is set to 0, some dynamic split heuristics are applied.



Signature STEMMING [boolean]
Default false
Summary A new full-text index will stem all tokens and speed up queries on stemmed tokens. The same stemming normalization will be applied to all query tokens that are checked against tokens in this index.


Signature CASESENS [boolean]
Default false
Summary A new full-text index will preserve the case of all tokens. The same case normalization will be applied to all query tokens that are checked against tokens in this index.


Signature DIACRITICS [boolean]
Default false
Summary A new full-text index will preserve the diacritics of all tokens. The same diacritics normalization will be applied to all query tokens that are checked against tokens in this index.


Signature LANGUAGE [lang]
Default en
Summary A new full-text index will use the given language to normalize all tokens. This option is mainly important if tokens are to be stemmed, or if the tokenization of a language differs from Western languages.


Signature STOPWORDS [path]
Default empty
Summary A new full-text index will drop tokens that are listed in the specified stopword list. A stopword list may decrease the size of the full text index. A standard stopword list for English texts is provided in the directory etc/stopwords.txt in the official releases.

Query Options


Signature QUERYINFO [boolean]
Default false
Summary Prints more information on internal query rewritings, optimizations, and performance. By default, this info is shown in the Info View in the GUI. It can also be activated on command line via -V.


Signature XQUERY3
Default true
Summary Enables all XQuery 3.0 features supported by BaseX. If this option is set to false, the XQuery parser will only accept expressions of the XQuery 1.0 specification.


Signature BINDINGS [vars]
Default empty
Summary Contains external variables to be bound to a query:
  • Variable names and values are separated by equality signs, and multiple variables are delimited by commas.
  • Variables may optionally be introduced with a leading dollar sign.
  • Commas that occur in the value itself are encoded by duplication.
  • If a variable uses a namespace different to the default namespace, it can be specified with the Clark Notation or Expanded QName Notation.
  • This option can also be used on command line with the flag -b.
Examples $a=1,$b=2   binds the values 1 and 2 to the variables $a and $b
a=1,,2   binds the value 1,2 to the variable $a
{URI}a=x   binds the value x to the variable $a with the namespace URI.


Signature QUERYPATH [path]
Default empty
Summary Contains the path (base URI) to the executed query (default: empty). This directory will be used to resolve relative paths to documents, query modules, and other resources addressed in a query.



Default 100
Summary Specifies the maximum size the body of a function may have in order to be inlined. Function inlining can be turned off by setting this value to -1.



Default 256
Summary Specifies how many stack frames of tail-calls are allowed on the stack at any time. When this limit is reached, tail-call optimization takes place and some call frames are eliminated. The feature can be turned off by setting the value to -1.



Default false
Summary If this option is turned on, paths specified in the fn:doc and fn:collections functions will first be resolved against a database that has been opened in the global context outside the query (e.g. by the OPEN command). If the path does not match any existing resources, it will be resolved as described in the article on accessing database resources.


Signature CACHEQUERY [boolean]
Default false
Summary Caches the query results before returning them to the client. This option may be set to true if the whole result is needed for further operations (such as is e.g. the case in the GUI of BaseX).


Signature FORCECREATE [boolean]
Default false
Summary By activating this option, the XQuery doc() and collection() functions will create database instances for the addressed input files.


Signature CHECKSTRINGS [boolean]
Default true
Summary If this option is turned off, strings from external sources will be adopted as is, i. e., without being checked for valid XML characters:


Signature LSERROR [error]
Default 0
Summary This option specifies the maximum Levenshtein error for the BaseX-specific fuzzy match option. See the page on Full-Texts for more information on fuzzy querying.



Signature RUNQUERY [boolean]
Default true
Summary Specifies if a query will be executed or parsed only. This option can also be changed on command line via -R.


Signature RUNS [num]
Default 1
Summary Specifies how often a query will be evaluated. The result is serialized only once, and the measured times are averages of all runs. This option can also be changed on command line via -r.

Serialization Options


Signature SERIALIZE [boolean]
Default true
Summary Results of XQuery expressions will be serialized if this option is turned on. For debugging purposes and performance measurements, this option can be set to false. It can also be turned off on command line via -z.


Signature SERIALIZER [params]
Default empty
Summary Contains parameters for serializing query results:
  • Keys and values are separated by equality signs.
  • Multiple parameters are delimited by commas.
  • The option can also be used on command line with the flag -s.
Example encoding=US-ASCII,omit-xml-declaration=no : sets the encoding to US-ASCII and prints the XML declaration.


Signature EXPORTER [params]
Default empty
Summary Contains parameters for exporting all resources of a database; see Serialization for more details. Keys and values are separated by equality signs, multiple parameters are delimited by commas.


Signature XMLPLAN [boolean]
Default false
Summary Prints the execution plan of an XQuery expression in its XML representation. This option can also be activated on command line via -x.


Signature COMPPLAN [boolean]
Default true
Summary Creates the query plan before or after query compilation. Query plans might change due to optimizations.


Signature DOTPLAN [boolean]
Default false
Summary Visualizes the execution plan of an XQuery expression with dotty and saves its dot file in the query directory.


Signature DOTCOMPACT [boolean]
Default false
Summary Chooses a compact dot representation.

Other Options


Signature AUTOFLUSH [boolean]
Default true
Summary Flushes database buffers to disk after each update. If this option is set to false, bulk operations (multiple single updates) will be evaluated faster. As a drawback, the chance of data loss increases if the database is not explicitly flushed via the FLUSH command.


Template:Mark only applies to main-memory document instances.

Signature WRITEBACK [boolean]
Default false
Summary Propagates updates on main-memory instances of files that have been retrieved via fn:doc or fn:collection back to disk. No backups of your original files will be created if this option is turned on. This option can also be activated on command line via -u.


Signature MAXSTAT [num]
Default 30
Summary Specifies the maximum number of index occurrences printed by the INFO INDEX command.


Version 7.8
Version 7.7
Version 7.6
  • Added: store local options in configuration file after # Local Options comments.
Version 7.5
  • Added: options can now be set via system properties
  • Added: a pragma expression can be used to locally change database options
  • Removed: HTTPPATH; HTTPPORT: jetty.xml configuration file is used instead
  • Removed: global options cannot be changed anymore during the lifetime of a BaseX instance
Version 7.3
  • Updated: KEEPALIVE, TIMEOUT: default values changed
  • Removed: WILDCARDS; new index supports both fuzzy and wildcard queries
  • Removed: SCORING; new scoring model will focus on lengths of text nodes and match options
Version 7.2
Version 7.1
Version 7.0