Math Module

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The math XQuery Module defines functions to perform mathematical operations, such as pi, asin and acos. Most functions are specified in the Functions and Operators Specification of the upcoming XQuery 3.0 Recommendation, and some additional ones have been added in this module.


All functions in this module are assigned to the namespace, which is statically bound to the math prefix.



Signatures math:pi() as xs:double
Summary Returns the xs:double value of the mathematical constant π whose lexical representation is 3.141592653589793.
  • 2*math:pi() returns 6.283185307179586e0.
  • 60 * (math:pi() div 180) converts an angle of 60 degrees to radians.


Signatures math:e() as xs:double
Summary Returns the xs:double value of the mathematical constant e whose lexical representation is 2.718281828459045.
  • 5*math:e() returns 13.591409142295225.


Signatures math:sqrt($arg as xs:double?) as xs:double?
Summary Returns the square root of $arg.
If $arg is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned.
Otherwise the result is the xs:double value of the mathematical square root of $arg.


Signatures math:sin($arg as xs:double?) as xs:double?
Summary Returns the sine of the $arg, expressed in radians.
If $arg is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned.
Otherwise the result is the sine of $arg, treated as an angle in radians.


Signatures math:cos($arg as xs:double?) as xs:double?
Summary Returns the cosine of $arg, expressed in radians.
If $arg is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned.
Otherwise the result is the cosine of $arg, treated as an angle in radians.


Signatures math:tan($ as xs:double?) as xs:double?
Summary Returns the tangent of $arg, expressed in radians.
If $arg is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned.
Otherwise the result is the tangent of $arg, treated as an angle in radians.


Signatures math:asin($arg as xs:double?) as xs:double?
Summary Returns the arc sine of $arg.
If $arg is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned.
Otherwise the result is the arc sine of $arg, returned as an angle in radians in the range -π/2 to +π/2.


Signatures math:acos($arg as xs:double?) as xs:double?
Summary Returns the arc cosine of $arg.
If $arg is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned.
Otherwise the result is the arc cosine of $arg, returned as an angle in radians in the range 0 to +π.


Signatures math:atan($arg as xs:double?) as xs:double?
Summary Returns the arc tangent of $arg.
If $arg is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned.
Otherwise the result is the arc tangent of $arg, returned as an angle in radians in the range -π/2 to +π/2.


Signatures math:atan2($arg1 as xs:double?, $arg2 as xs:double) as xs:double?
Summary Returns the arc tangent of $arg1 divided by $arg2, the result being in the range -π/2 to +π/2 radians.
If $arg1 is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned.
Otherwise the result is the arc tangent of $arg1 divided by $arg2, returned as an angle in radians in the range -π to +π.


Signatures math:pow($arg1 as xs:double?, $arg2 as xs:double) as xs:double?
Summary Returns $arg1 raised to the power of $arg2.
If $arg1 is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned.
Otherwise the result is the $arg1 raised to the power of $arg2.
  • math:pow(2, 3) returns 8.


Signatures math:exp($arg as xs:double?) as xs:double?
Summary Returns e raised to the power of $arg.
If $arg is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned.
Otherwise the result is the value of e raised to the power of $arg.
  • math:exp(1) returns e.


Signatures math:log($arg as xs:double?) as xs:double?
Summary Returns the natural logarithm of $arg.
If $arg is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned.
Otherwise the result is the natural logarithm (base e) of $arg.
  • math:log(math:e()) returns 1.


Signatures math:log10($arg as xs:double?) as xs:double?
Summary Returns the base 10 logarithm of $arg.
If $arg is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned.
Otherwise the result is the base 10 logarithm of $arg.
  • math:log(100) returns 2.


Signatures math:random() as xs:double?
Summary Returns a random xs:double value between 0.0 and 1.0.


Signatures math:sinh($arg as xs:double?) as xs:double?
Summary Returns the hyperbolic sine of $arg.
If $arg is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned.
Otherwise the result is the hyperbolic sine of $arg.
  • math:sinh(0) returns 0.


Signatures math:cosh($arg as xs:double?) as xs:double?
Summary Returns the hyperbolic cosine of $arg.
If $arg is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned.
Otherwise the result is the hyperbolic cosine of $arg.
  • math:cosh(0) returns 1.


Signatures math:tanh($arg as xs:double?) as xs:double?
Summary Returns the hyperbolic tangent of $arg.
If $arg is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned.
Otherwise the result is the hyperbolic tangent of $arg.
  • math:tanh(100) returns 1.