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(Created page with "This module adds some useful higher-order functions that were left out of the official spec. All functions are introduced with the <code>hof:</code> prefix, which is linked to th...")
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| valign='top' width='90' | '''Signatures'''
| valign='top' width='90' | '''Signatures'''
|<code><b>hof:top-k-with</b>($lt as function(item()?, item()?) as xs:boolean, $k as xs:integer, $seq as item()*) as item()*</code>
|<code><b>hof:top-k-with</b>($lt as function(item(), item()) as xs:boolean, $k as xs:integer, $seq as item()*) as item()*</code>
| valign='top' | '''Summary'''
| valign='top' | '''Summary'''

Revision as of 01:11, 1 March 2012

This module adds some useful higher-order functions that were left out of the official spec. All functions are introduced with the hof: prefix, which is linked to the statically declared http://basex.org/modules/hof namespace.



Signatures hof:id($expr as item()*) as item()*
Summary Returns its argument unchanged. This function isn't useful on its own, but can be used as argument to other higher-order functions.
  • hof:id(1 to 5) returns 1 2 3 4 5


Signatures hof:const($expr as item()*, $ignored as item()*) as item()*
Summary Returns its first argument unchanged and irgores the second. This function isn't useful on its own, but can be used as argument to other higher-order functions.
  • hof:const(42, 1337) returns 42.


Signatures hof:fold-left1($f as function(item()*, item()) as item()*, $seq as item()+) as item()*
Summary Works the same as fn:fold-left($f, $seed, $seq), but doesn't need a seed, because the sequence must be non-empty.
Errors XPTY0004 if $seq is empty
  • hof:fold-left1(function($a, $b) { $a + $b }, 1 to 10) returns 55.
  • hof:fold-left1(function($a, $b) { $a + $b }, ()) throws XPTY0004, because $seq has to be non-empty.


Signatures hof:until($pred as function(item()*) as xs:boolean, $f as function(item()*) as item()*, $start as item()*) as item()*
Summary Applies the function $f to the initial value $start until the predicate $pred applied to the result returns true().
  • hof:until(function($x) { $x ge 1000 }, function($y) { 2 * $y }, 1) returns 1024.
  • Calculating the square-root of a number by iteratively improving an initial guess:
let $sqrt := function($x as xs:double) as xs:double {
    function($res) { abs($res * $res - $x) < 0.00001 },
    function($guess) { ($guess + $x div $guess) div 2 },
return $sqrt(25)

returns 5.000000000053722.


Signatures hof:top-k-by($sort-key as function(item()) as item(), $k as xs:integer, $seq as item()*) as item()*
Summary Returns the $k items in $seq that are greatest when sorted by the result of $f applied to the item. The function is a much more efficient implementation of the following scheme:
  for $x in $seq
  order by $sort-key($x)
  return $x
)[position() <= $k]
Errors XPTY0004 if $sort-key doesn't return exactly one item
  • hof:top-k-by(hof:id#1, 5, 1 to 1000) returns 1000 999 998 997 996
  • hof:top-k-by(function($x) { -$x }, 3, 1 to 1000) returns 1 2 3
  • hof:top-k-by(xs:integer#1, 2, <x a='1' b='2' c='3'/>/@*)/node-name() returns c b


Signatures hof:top-k-with($lt as function(item(), item()) as xs:boolean, $k as xs:integer, $seq as item()*) as item()*
Summary Returns the $k items in $seq that are greatest when sorted in the order of the less-than predicate $lt. The function is a general version of hof:top-k-by($sort-key, $k, $seq).
  • hof:top-k-with(function($a, $b) { $a lt $b }, 5, 1 to 1000) returns 1000 999 998 997 996
  • hof:top-k-with(function($a, $b) { abs($a) gt abs($b) }, 5, -5 to 5) returns 0 1 -1 2 -2

Recent Changes

  • removed hof:iterate
  • added hof:top-k-by and hof:top-k-with