Developing with Eclipse

From BaseX Documentation
Revision as of 14:53, 2 January 2016 by Jens Erat (talk | contribs) (Draggable quick-install links for marketplace.)
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This page is part of the Developer Section. It describes how to get the BaseX sources compiled and running on your system.

Another article in the documentation describes how to use BaseX as a query processor in Eclipse.


BaseX is developed with the Eclipse environment (other IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA can be used as well). The Eclipse IDE for Java Developers includes the EGit plugin (for Git) and the m2e plugin (for Maven).

Other Eclipse plugins we use are:

Name Description Update URL Eclipse Marketplace
eclipse-cs Enforces Checkstyle coding standards.  
FindBugs Analyze project at byte code level  
UCDetector Unnecessary code detector  
EclEmma Code coverage tool.  

Check Out

Our Git Tutorial explains how BaseX can be checked out from the GitHub Repository and embedded in Eclipse with EGit. The article also demonstrates how git can be used on command-line.

The basex repository contains the following sub-directories:

  1. basex-core is the main project
  2. basex-api contains the BaseX APIs (XML:DB, bindings in other languages) and HTTP Services (REST, RESTXQ, WebDAV)
  3. basex-examples includes some examples code for BaseX
  4. basex-tests contains several unit and stress tests

If the "Problems" View contains errors or warnings, you may need to switch to Java 7 (WindowsPreferencesInstalled JREs). With the Maven plugin from Eclipse, it sometimes requires several attempts to get all dependencies updated. This loop can be avoided if the sources are precompiled via Maven on command-line.

Start in Eclipse

  1. Press RunRun…
  2. Create a new "Java Application" launch configuration
  3. Select "basex" as "Project"
  4. Choose a "Main class" (e.g., org.basex.BaseXGUI for the graphical user interface)
  5. Launch the project via Run


You may as well use the standalone version of Maven to compile and run the project, use other IDEs such as IntelliJ IDEA.