Cryptographic Module

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This module contains XQuery functions to perform cryptographic operations in XQuery. The cryptographic module is based on an early draft of the EXPath Cryptographic Module and provides the following functionality:

  1. Creation of message authentication codes (HMAC)
  2. Creation and validation of an XML Digital Signature
  3. Encryption and decryption

The module is introduced with Version 7.0 of BaseX.


Signatures crypto:hmac($message as xs:string(), $secret-key as xs:string(), algorithm as xs:string()) as xs:string()
crypto:hmac($message as xs:string(), $secret-key as xs:string(), algorithm as xs:string(), $encoding as xs:string()) as xs:string()
Summary Creates a message authentication code via a cryptographic hash function and a secret key.
$encoding must either be hex, base64 or the empty string (default is base64) and specifies the encoding of the returned authentication code.
$algorithm describes the hash algorithm which is used for encryption. Currently supported are md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512.
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Signatures crypto:encrypt($input as xs:string(), $encryption-type as xs:string(), $secret-key as xs:string(), $cryptographic-algorithm as xs:string()) as xs:string()
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Signatures crypto:decrypt($input as xs:string(), $decryption-type as xs:string(), $secret-key as xs:string(), $cryptographic-algorithm as xs:string()) as xs:string()
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Signatures crypto:generate-signature($input-doc node(), $canonicalization-algorithm as xs:string(), $digest-algorithm as xs:string(), $signature-algorithm as xs:string(), $signature-namespace-prefix as xs:string(), $signature-type as xs:string()) as node()
crypto:generate-signature($input-doc node(), $canonicalization-algorithm as xs:string(), $digest-algorithm as xs:string(), $signature-algorithm as xs:string(), $signature-namespace-prefix as xs:string(), $signature-type as xs:string(), $xpath-expression as xs:string()) as node()
crypto:generate-signature($input-doc node(), $canonicalization-algorithm as xs:string(), $digest-algorithm as xs:string(), $signature-algorithm as xs:string(), $signature-namespace-prefix as xs:string(), $signature-type as xs:string(), $digital-certificate as node()) as node()
crypto:generate-signature($input-doc node(), $canonicalization-algorithm as xs:string(), $digest-algorithm as xs:string(), $signature-algorithm as xs:string(), $signature-namespace-prefix as xs:string(), $signature-type as xs:string(), $xpath-expression as xs:string(), $digital-certificate as node()) as node()
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Signatures crypto:validate-signature($input-doc as node()) as xs:boolean()
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