CSV Module

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This XQuery Module contains a single function to parse CSV input. CSV (comma-separated values) is a popular representation for tabular data, exported e. g. from Excel.


All functions in this module are assigned to the http://basex.org/modules/csv namespace, which is statically bound to the csv prefix.
All errors are assigned to the http://basex.org/errors namespace, which is statically bound to the bxerr prefix.


XML: Direct, Attributes

CSV is converted to XML as follows:

  • The resulting XML document has a <csv> root element.
  • Rows are represented via <record> elements.
  • Fields are represented via <entry> elements. The value of a field is represented as text node.
  • If the header option is set to true, the first text line is parsed as table header, and the <entry> elements are replaced with the field names:
    • Empty names are represented by a single underscore (_), and characters that are not valid in element names are replaced with underscores or (when invalid as first character of an element name) prefixed with an underscore.
    • If the lax option is set to false, invalid characters will be rewritten to an underscore and the character’s four-digit Unicode, and underscores will be represented as two underscores (__). The resulting element names may be less readable, but can always be converted back to the original field names.
  • If format is set to attributes, field names will be stored in name attributes.


If format is set to map, the CSV data will be converted to an XQuery map:

  • All records are enumerated with positive integers.
  • By default, all entries of a records are represented in a sequence.
  • If the header option is set to true, a map is created, which contains all field names and its values.

A little advice: in the Database Creation dialog of the GUI, if you select CSV Parsing and switch to the Parsing tab, you can see the effects of some of the conversion options.


Template:Mark: improved Excel compatibility

The following options are available (the Excel column indicates the preferred options for converting Excel data):

Option Description Allowed Default Excel
separator Defines the character which separates the entries of a record in a single line. comma, semicolon, colon, tab, space or a single character comma semicolon
header Indicates if the first line of the parsed or serialized CSV data is a table header. yes, no no
format Specifies the format of the XML data. The format is only relevant if the header option is activated:
  • With direct conversion, field names are represented as element names
  • With attributes conversion, field names are stored in name attributes
  • With map conversion, the input is converted to an XQuery map
direct, attributes, map direct
lax Specifies if a lax approach is used to convert QNames to JSON names. yes, no yes no
quotes Specifies how quotes are parsed:
  • Parsing: If the option is enabled, quotes at the start and end of a value will be treated as control characters. Separators and newlines within the quotes will be adopted without change.
  • Serialization: If the option is enabled, the value will be wrapped with quotes. A quote character in the value will be encoded according to the rules of the backslashes option.
yes, no yes yes
backslashes Specifies how quotes and other characters are escaped:
  • Parsing: If the option is enabled, \r, n and \t will be replaced with the corresponding control characters. All other escaped characters will be adopted as literals (e.g.: \""). If the option is disabled, two consecutive quotes will be replaced with a single quote (unless quotes is enabled and the quote is the first or last character of a value).
  • Serialization: If the option is enabled, \r, n, \t, " and the separator character will be encoded with a backslash. If the option is disabled, quotes will be duplicated.
yes, no no no



Signatures csv:parse($input as xs:string) as document-node(element(csv))
csv:parse($input as xs:string, $options as map(xs:string, item())) as item()
Summary Converts the CSV data specified by $input to an XML document or a map. The $options argument can be used to control the way the input is converted.
Errors BXCS0001: the input cannot be parsed.


Signatures csv:serialize($input as node()) as xs:string
csv:serialize($input as node(), $options as map(xs:string, item())) as xs:string
Summary Serializes the node specified by $input as CSV data, and returns the result as xs:string. Items can also be serialized as JSON if the Serialization Parameter method is set to csv.
The $options argument can be used to control the way the input is serialized.
Errors BXCS0002: the input cannot be serialized.


Example 1: Converts CSV data to XML, interpreting the first row as table header:

Input addressbook.csv:

Name,First Name,Address,City
Huber,Sepp,Hauptstraße 13,93547 Hintertupfing


let $text := file:read-text('addressbook.csv')
return csv:parse($text, map { 'header': true() })


    <Address>Hauptstraße 13</Address>
    <City>93547 Hintertupfing</City>

Example 2: Converts some CSV data to XML and back, and checks if the input and output are equal. The expected result is true:


let $text := file:read-text('some-data.csv')
let $options := map { 'lax': false() }
let $xml := csv:parse($text, $options)
let $csv := csv:serialize($xml, $options)
return $text eq $csv

Example 3: Converts CSV data to an XQuery map item and serializes its contents:


let $text := "Name;City" || out:nl() || "John;Newton" || out:nl() || "Jack;Oldtown"
let $options :=
    <csv:separator value=';'/>
    <csv:format value='map'/>
    <csv:header value='yes'/>
return csv:parse($text, $options)


  1: {
    "City": "Newton",
    "Name": "John"
  2: {
    "City": "Oldtown",
    "Name": "Jack"


Code Description
BXCS0001 The input cannot be parsed.
BXCS0002 The node cannot be serialized.


Version 8.6
  • Updated: Options: improved Excel compatibility
Version 8.0
  • Added: backslashes option
Version 7.8
  • Updated: csv:parse now returns a document node instead of an element, or an XQuery map if format is set to map.
  • Added: format and lax options

The module was introduced with Version 7.7.2.