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Revision as of 14:45, 4 August 2018

This XQuery Module contains functions for accessing specific WebSocket-Functions and setting Attributes on a WebSocket-Connection. This module is mainly useful in the context of WebSockets.


  • The basex-api package must be included in the classpath. This is always the case if you use one of the complete distributions (zip, exe, war) of BaseX.
  • All functions and errors are assigned to the http://basex.org/modules/websocket namespace. The module must be imported in the query prolog:
import module namespace session = "http://basex.org/modules/websocket";



Signatures websocket:broadcast($message as xs:anyAtomicType) as empty-sequence()
Summary Broadcasts message which may be of type xs:string, xs:base64Binary, or xs:hexBinary to all connected Members exept to the caller.


Signatures websocket:id() as xs:string
Summary Returns the ID of the current Websocket Connetion.


Signatures websocket:get($key as xs:string) as xs:string
Summary Returns the Websocket Attribute with the key $key. If the $id Parameter is set, it returns the Attribute of a Specific User with the ID $id


Signatures websocket:set($key as xs:string, $value as xs:string) as empty-sequence()
Summary Sets a Websocket Attribute with the key $key and the value $value. If the $id Parameter is set, the Attribute of a specific User with the ID $id is set.


Signatures websocket:delete($key as xs:string) as empty-sequence()
Summary Removes a Session Attribute from the current WebsocketClient. If the $id Parameter is set, the Attribute of a specific User with the ID $id will be deleted.


Signatures websocket:path() as xs:string
Summary Returns the Path of the current WebsocketClient. If the $id Parameter is set, the Path of a specific User with the ID $id will be returned.