Sessions Module

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This XQuery Module can only be called from users with Admin permissions. It contains functions for accessing and modifying all registered server-side sessions. This module is mainly useful in the context of Web Applications.


  • The basex-api package must be included in the classpath. This is always the case if you use one of the complete distributions (zip, exe, war) of BaseX.
  • All functions are assigned to the namespace. The module must be imported in the query prolog:
import module namespace sessions = "";
  • In this documentation, the namespace is bound to the sessions prefix.
  • Errors are assigned to the namespace, which is statically bound to the bxerr prefix.
  • If any of the functions is called outside the servlet context, the error BXSE0003: is raised.
  • As sessions are side-effecting operations, all functions are flagged as non-deterministic. This means that the functions will not be reordered by the compiler.



Signatures sessions:ids() as xs:string
Summary Returns the IDs of all registered sessions.


Signatures sessions:created($id as xs:string) as xs:dateTime
Summary Returns the creation time of the session specified by $id.


Signatures sessions:accessed($id as xs:string) as xs:dateTime
Summary Returns the last access time of the session specified by $id.


Signatures sessions:names($id as xs:string) as xs:string*
Summary Returns the names of all variables bound to the session specified by $id.


Signatures sessions:get($id as xs:string, $key as xs:string) as xs:string?
sessions:get($id as xs:string, $key as xs:string, $default as xs:string) as xs:string
Summary Returns the value of a variable bound to the session specified by $id. If the variable does not exist, an empty sequence or the optionally specified default value is returned instead.
Errors BXSE0002: the value of a session variable could not be retrieved.


Signatures sessions:set($id as xs:string, $key as xs:string, $value as xs:string) as empty-sequence()
Summary Assigns a value to a variable bound to the session specified by $id.
Errors BXSE0001: a function item was specified as value of a session variable.


Signatures sessions:delete($id as xs:string, $key as xs:string) as empty-sequence()
Summary Deletes a variable bound to the session specified by $id.


Signatures sessions:close($id as xs:string) as empty-sequence()
Summary Unregisters the session specified by $id.


Code Description
BXSE0001 A function item was specified as value of a session attribute.
BXSE0002 An error occurred while retrieving the value of a session attribute.
BXSE0003 A function was called outside the servlet context.
BXSE0004 The specified session was not found.


This module was introduced with Version 7.5.