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Welcome to the Query Portal, which is one of the Main Sections of this documentation. Here you can find more information on performing XPath and XQuery requests. Apart from standard features, BaseX offers numerous extensions, which are listed on this page.



The namespaces of the following XQuery modules are statically bound in BaseX, i.e., they need not (but may) be declared in the query prolog.

Module Description Prefix Namespace URI
Cryptography Cryptographic functions, based on the EXPath Cryptograhic module. Version 7.0 crypto http://expath.org/ns/crypto
Database Functions for accessing and updating databases. db http://basex.org/modules/db
File File handling, based on the latest draft of the EXPath File module. file http://expath.org/ns/file
Full-Text Functions for performing full-text operations. ft http://basex.org/modules/ft
HTTP Sending HTTP requests, based on the EXPath HTTP module. http http://expath.org/ns/http-client
Index Functions for requesting details on database indexes. Version 7.1 index http://basex.org/modules/index
JSON Parsing and serializing JSON documents. Version 7.0 json http://basex.org/modules/json
Map Functions for handling maps (key/value pairs). map http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/map
Math Mathematical operations, extending the W3C Working Draft. math http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/math
Packaging Installing, deleting and listing packages. Version 7.1 pkg http://expath.org/ns/pkg
SQL JDBC bridge to access relational databases. Version 7.0 sql http://basex.org/modules/sql
Utility Utility functions, used for data conversions, profiling and dynamic evaluation. util http://basex.org/modules/util
XSLT Stylesheet transformations, based on Java’s and Saxon’s XSLT processor. xslt http://basex.org/modules/xslt
ZIP ZIP functionality, based on the EXPath ZIP module. zip http://expath.org/ns/zip